August 7, 2008

Send Me On My Way

I've decided to save my interview with the friendly cats at Obama headquarters for tomorrow in favor of a more timely post. For those of you who are sick of waiting for the first in my much alluded to Campaign '08 series, just listen to the song "Apathetic Way to Be" by Relient K and rest assured that it will be up by 10am tomorrow.

For those of you who don't know already I've been working at a small cafe in downtown CSprings this summer and after previous summers spent working at a car auction (now closed due to severe cocaine-related bankruptcy), a moving company, and campus security, I can say that washing dishes, waiting tables and deep-frying the crap out of whatever crosses my path at The Corner Cafe has been, by far, my favorite summer job. And today was my last day.

After arriving in CSprings this summer I spent a half a week just waiting to move into my apartment during which I slept on the ground in a state park. But, after I finally moved in it only took one day of job searching before I got a call from Bob and Virginia at The Corner Cafe and before I knew it I had been interviewed and fitted for a shirt. I was working the next Monday, two days after moving in.

I have an almost miraculous tendency for finding good people wherever I go (maybe there are more of them than I thought) and Bob and Virginia are thus far my favorite Coloradans (Colorodians, Colodites?). They gave me a great job that allowed me to spend a lot of time reading and getting to know the city, they let me eat breakfast and lunch every day on the house (they even sometimes fed me on Saturdays), but most of all they asked daily how I was doing, had I talked to my family, what was my apartment like, etc. They have been no less than surrogate parents this summer and today they really went above and beyond and got me a going away present:

A nice card, a coffee maker, filters and coffee.

I mentioned to Virginia about a week after I started work that I hadn't had coffee a couple weeks. What followed what a mom-like one-sided argument about why me being happy and having coffee every once in awhile was worth the money I would be spending on it. I, however, being the cheap, loan-encumbered teacher-to-be that I am never did get around to buying a coffee maker.

Their gift was a total surprise and it really showed me how even two months spent with someone can really have an impact on them. For better or for worse. While I will miss Bob, Virginia, Steve and Marquina, I won't have too much time to bemoan the loss of my apron: tomorrow is my first day of training at Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy. If you didn't know already I'm going to be teaching 8th grade English and an introductory Latin class to a combination of 7th and 8th graders. So, if you've got any sweet classroom ideas, leave 'em in a comment.

And now, your moment of Zen:

Since I'll be officially starting at Cheyenne tomorrow it's going to get harder and harder to keep daily posts coming. So, if you're actually reading this stuff, give a shout out in the comments and let me know that I'm not just throwing around the bits and bytes for my own narcissistic enjoyment. Also, if you're sick of me talking about myself feel free to give me something to talk about. Just leave a comment that says "Zach, what do you think about Nutrigrain bars or human/unicorn relationships?" and I'll be sure to give you my 2 cents.


Bradley Frank Osborne said...

Zach, we all know about your Unicorn fetish...what you did to those poor horses though, it's no wonder you had to flee Michigan....

Patrick Kilchermann said...

Zach, GOOD LUCK tomorrow! I know you're going to do great. Please consider it training for the summers that my privately schooled / home-schooled Wyoming-born children will spend with their Uncle and Mentor, Professor Good.

PS- Please do yourself the favor of going to Walmart, and buying a 12oz bag of the Starbucks brand "Breakfast Blend" pre-ground coffee. It is simply the best coffee you will ever drink... better than anything you can buy anywhere.

Be Armed,


Maggie said...

We will be praying for you tomorrow! Let us know how it goes! Why didn't you tell me you didn't a coffee maker! We have one we've never used!

Anonymous said...

Classroom wise:

I'm not saying you have to do it, just keep it in mind.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

I have come across your blog via Facebook and duly added it to my Google Reader "People" section. I especially liked the recent post on restaurant revenge.

Classroom suggestion: channel a little bit of Dr. Garnjobst. I just got a job teaching 8th, 9th, and 10th grade Latin. I'm kind of terrified.

Katie B

Anonymous said...

Hi Zach! I just happened upon your blog this morning and I must say that I am very impressed by the path you have taken. Good luck on your new job, and enjoy Colorado. Take care!

-Taylor Keiffer

otonobo said...

Brad has been raving about your I decided I should finally read it. I'm glad I did. It was good to hear what you're up to and where you're headed. I seriously had no idea any schools were teaching Latin these days, but that's awesome. God luck. You'll do great.

Z said...

Taylor, Katie, otonobo?,

Thanks for the comments. Glad you found me.

Taylor - What have you been up to? It's good to hear from you, it seems like I haven't talked to anyone (besides the guys) from Carson in forever.

Katie - Glad to hear about the Latin job. That's great. We should create some sort of Latin-teachers Coalition that trades ideas for how to effectively teach the ADD generation a "dead" language.

Otonobo - I have no idea who you are, but I'm glad to hear Brad is talking me up to somebody.

Anonymous said...

I hope you continued with the dating a unicorn site and discovered why not to date a t. rex. I for one have been quite shockingly educated and saved from a relationship that would have assuredly been disasterous as I cannot live without stargazing.


Anonymous said...

zach, you're funny. that's all.
