August 27, 2008

Heart Songs

My second day went much more smoothly than the first, so much so, in fact, that I decided to run the Jack Quinn 5K last night. That would be the weekly 5k with the local running club that begins and ends at an Irish pub. The idea is that you run and then drink. Not exactly my favorite combination, but I'm sure I'll take full advantage of the amenities offered by Jack Quinn's to the runners some other night. They also feed you pasta, salad, and bread, and after 10 runs you get a free shirt. It doesn't cost anything to run so it's pretty much the best deal this side of the Mississippi.

Good move on Jack Quinn's part. I won't have to pull a Panino's on them to feel like I'm getting my money's worth.

Also, I not only got encouragement from several of you by phone and via comment, but I also got some surprises today.

Something to Blog About

Throughout today I received four packages from faraway friends. First of all, midway through my school day, I received a mysterious package from Stephen Wood at the Family Life Center in South Carolina. My first thought was "Huh, I wonder if Karen told someone I was teaching Latin and they sent me something." But, it turns out that Karen just used company mailing labels to send a bag of pretzels to my school.

Then, when I got home I not only had a gigantic package (like 5 inches tall) placed oh-so-subtly under my doormat, but I also had two smaller parcels in my mailbox.

These are credited to Jose, Kendra, and Maggie respectively. From Jose, I have a copy of G.K. Chesterton's Life of Saint Francis, from Kendra a copy of Joy of Cooking, which looks amazing, and from Maggie (via the Money Saving Mom blog) a month's supply of multi-vitamins.
Also, I got a shout-out from Jennette on her blog, for which I am also thankful.

You guys really made my day today and I wanted to thank you for it. Really I'm just glad I'm not a bee with AIDS.

This blog's for you.

Wow. I really crossed a line with that one....

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