August 14, 2008

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I'm not obese. For my height I'm probably technically overweight, but most would call me "cuddly". Or at least most people in Michigan would call me that. But, unfortunately, I've moved to the most ripped state in the Union, from, by far, the most pleasantly plump. While I can't back that up with authoritative data, I can say that living amongst these people, despite their boisterous (doesn't that word have to do with sound?) armpit hair, I've developed a bit of a complex. So the other night Brad and I went for a run.

I haven't run regularly since my internship at Grace Church (where running was mandatory), but when I was doing it I loved it. We ran as a group three days a week and in the course of the summer I went from being the second slowest person to the second fastest of the eight interns. I was even running on days when we didn't have mandatory runs. I even started running twice a day about half way through the summer. Then, one Saturday, I decided I was going to do a homemade half-marathon. I had run 10 and 1/2 miles during my long run the week before that and I knew that I could do it. The only problem was that during the course of my run, which took a couple hours, the temperature rose from low 80's to the high 90's. I got dehydrated, pulled my ACL and haven't really run since.

Today, as sore as I was from running with Brad, I got up at 5:45 and ran again. Two miles has never seemed so long. But I did it.

Since mid-July I've been waking up five minutes earlier every day. My goal is to be able to execute a morning routine which includes running, showering, shaving, ironing, making a lunch, and arriving at the school before 7am to get done whatever I need to do for that day. 5:45 is definitely not early enough. I'm guess it's going to be more like 5:00AM.

What's my point?

To function in this world, to be an effective teacher, doctor, pastor, construction worker, nurse, artist, writer, whatever, you need to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday. But, like most, I'm seldom on track. Sure I get a couple boosts of resolution during the year: New Year's, first day of school, my birthday, etc. but I've never been able to really succeed at progressing unless it was in a situation like running with the interns at Grace Church. With the interns I always had someone to measure myself by, someone to compete with, and 8 someones (including our running coach) to keep me accountable.

My goal with this blog is 50% communication (of ideas and thoughts with people I care about), 50% blatant and shameless self-promotion, and 50% just loving to be able to stay in contact with the people who read it. People who I otherwise might talk to once a month, once a year, maybe once again before I die.

So, today's 'reader response" isn't for people who are witty, well-read, or especially into some niche of pop-culture. It's for whoever wants to stay in contact with me in a meaningful way and do something today about making yourself a little better today than you were yesterday.

If you'd like to do this (and if you're reading this I would like you do this), just leave a comment telling me one goal you have for today, one goal you have for the week (before next Thursday) and one goal you have before New Year's.

Here are mine:
Today: I will have a week's worth of lesson plans done for at least one of my English sections.
This Week: I will hang out with someone this weekend, despite the fact that Brad and Leroy leave tomorrow (I have made approximately zero friends in this land of 5% body fat).
Before January: I will be able to run the 10.5 miles I was able to run before I attempted that half marathon two years ago.

I'll keep you guys updated. Do the same for me. And if you don't want to post your goals for the whole wide web to see. E-mail me at

Oh, and if you really want to do something to improve your life, never watch August Rush.


Maggie said...

Hey Zach! Great post! You are inspiring and I know your students will think the same. Here's my goal- Today: Read 2 books in Death Comes... Week: Mail all the misc. stuff for various people to various states- Before New Years: Get into shape, so I don't have to make that my New Years resolution!
Keeping you in our prayers!

Kathryn said...

hi dad!!

for like .5 seconds i thought about making a blog, but then i realized a few things. 1. i can't write very well (at least not creatively and wittily (word??) like you) and 2. nothing exciting ever happens to me, so i'm not starting one.

anyway, next week works for me to hang out with you... if you're okay with that.... let me know

Francis Jose Orozco, OP said...

by today: Do laundry
by next week: Finish reading the Englebert biography on St. Francis
by years end: Visit the community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Also, I may have a proposal for you for this weekend.

Z said...

Well, that's two people out of the 60 that daily visit this site. Thanks for the comments Maggie and Jose.

Boyscout, just pick a day next week and come on down. I'll probably be working in my classroom until late, but I can always make time for a YoungLifer.

Unknown said...

Well, since today is almost over, I'll set it up for tomorrow.

'Today': be as nice and welcoming as possible to the incoming campers this weekend.

Week: Apply for 5 new jobs

End of the year: Obtain a new position or possibly a new location as well.

Leroy said...

I must say you blog is always an enjoyable read.

anyway, to the goals

today (really tomorrow)- get brad and I loaded in the car and get part of our drive done safely.

this week: get set in my apartment and figure out how my finances will work.

before january - first, maintain the shape i am in.... second, improve the shape I am in. Third, end a great semester academically and socially.

Anonymous said...

Today: don't offend anyone at work.
This week: read half of Kenilworth.
Before January: find a real job.
