There will be fall in Colorado Springs. Today I could sense that. But it won't be like Michigan, even if the leaves do turn and children wear red zip-up hoodies to jump in the leaves. Even if the stores downtown fill their windows with spiderwebs and bats, and even if storm windows are put up and screens are taken down. Even if there is cider and pumpkins, donuts and hayrides, even if I take the time to walk somewhere just to hear my feet shuffle through the leaves. Even if all that is true here as it is in Michigan, I still will miss the places that own my memories of fall.
Fall is by far my favorite season, I'm sure I'll mention that frequently over the next couple of months, and though I'll surely be busy with school, I'd like to really take the time to slow down and appreciate it this year.
I'm a few days late on the 5 year anniversary (seriously 5 years, or greater than 1/5 of our lives thus far) of these pictures, but here they are:
Three things:
1. I miss the Olds more than you can imagine. When asked the other day what my dream car was, without a moment of hesitation, I answered: a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra - blue.
2. Where is the lobster? Kevin, do you have it? Does Jonathan have it? It would do my old heart good to know that my favorite crustacean still draws breath.
3. Ha! I was really peeved the other day because I was starting to think that my red hat (pictured above) was getting too raggedy to wear. I guess I should be thankful that it even still exists. After all, even 5 years ago, it was still a hand-me-down.
I believe that our bud Johnny Mac has it. I know I don't. I think eventually so long ago he wrangled the lobster from me in some covert locker lobster napping. He always did like the lobster and the Zach given power that its possessor would receive.
I miss me some 1990 blue olds!
I almost tear up thinking about it.
August evenings bring solemn warnings to remember to kiss the ones you love goodnight...
You're right Zach...I usually convince myself that I don't really like Fall that much because it's just the beginning of cold. You really made me think about it though, and it's actually an amazing time.
My memories would include nervousness and excitement before a friday night football game with the smell of popcorn lingering in the air. They would recall the breathtaking visual experience that is Aquinas's campus in the fall...the Gameclub Homecoming booth, hot dogs wrapped in tin foil, hot cider and doughnuts, my first drive to Hillsdale for the year, driving with the windows down despite the obvious turn towards winterly weather. All of it would be playing to PlayRadioPlay's "Madi Don't Leave"
I saw motion city last night in was kind of weird because justin's hair was like long and straight...and there were only seats so nobody could jump or move around. It was still awesome though. I think in your absence I felt compelled to act like you...I bought 8 tickets, only knowing for sure that 4 people would be going. One of those people didn't even end up going, so we had a pretty interesting group end up going and it's definitely the most expensive MCS concert I have or will ever see, an experience with which I am sure you're all too familiar. I really liked one of the other bands, The Hard Lessons though, if you feel adventurous you should check them out.
Also, Anberlin has a new album coming out at the end of the month. Interestingly, one of the songs, and the first single, is a new version of "feel good drag". I think it's really sweet and you can download it for free here
Definitely thinkin about you man.
Phipps, at least you still have the Sunfire; in your car, the rest of our first cars live on. I'm sure that if I have memories of fall 'up north' in the sunfire, Zach must have a ton as well.
Brad has his Lumina too. Ha, that poor old bat deserves a nice viking-style funeral. Yep- slaves and all. Eeewwwww.
Zach- what a great post bro, my favorite so far. I'd love to get a copy of that on audio, perhaps even sent in to NPR.
You've told me how you miss the Olds before, but it still touches me. I think I can relate, because after I sold my truck and bought my mom's Monte, I went through about 2 days of heavy depression. I had a simple life with a simple, paid off truck, and I "traded up" into things that I didn't understand. I almost felt like I went from Freedom to Slavery.
Anyway, it's obviously different, but I think you know what I mean.
It wasn't hard for me leave Dori in that parking lot in Wisconsin. I tried to force myself to be sad or nostalgic, to lock my last visions of the car in my head. I just couldn't. To this day, I've never missed the car that I would spend hours massaging leather cleaner with my bare hands. I can't explain that, but even now I don't feel anything.
The leaves are still green here, but there is a TINY bit of brownage. We've been getting some VERY cold weather (low 50s at night) and as you know, that can destroy the colors.
I'm going to take a picture a day of the woods out back Zach, and once they start turning I'll make a little slide show and send it to you.
Zach, you'll ALWAYS have Michigan fall! It will always be here, it will never change. We will change much faster than the trees, and we will fall before them.
God has given you a chance to appreciate a whole new kind of fall! Who knows that awaits you out there! Maybe a woman worthy of your love, maybe friends, or maybe just good times. You certainly and obviously appreciated Michigan fall... live it up brother!
Thanks for the comments guys. It seems that an hour of walking and thinking does more for a blog post than an hour of research.
I'm excited that it's Friday. Hopefully I'll get a chance to post today's entry shortly after work. No TV and no internet makes Zach a productice teacher.
"It seems that an hour of walking and thinking does more for a blog post than an hour of research."
An hour of walking and thinking does more for ANYTHING than research, I've found, lol. Now that you've had me thinking of fall all morning, I've gotta share some of my memories.
These are the things that stick out the most in my mind. I'm sure there would be more if I dug... but if you keep digging at it, it'll never heal**. Kidding. Anyway:
1) Driving Jacob the German around while listening to 'Unplugged in New York'.
2) Racing from GVSU to Palo Public Schools on I-96 W two days each week while listening to my "Ska Punk" CD, then going to Mandy's afterward.
3) Racing from GVSU to Mandy's on 131 N the other three days while talking to Mandy on the Cell.
Now I REALLY want to come and chill out in the Moose or in your Dorm, Brad! Soon bro, SOON!
**I'm assuming my lack of 'fall memories' is because I was hunting with my father for pretty much every day of it. I watched the colors turn, I marked off the position of the sun against the tree I was in to gauge the time, and I walked through dried up cornfields at night, but none of those seem very 'fall' to me.
i JUST realized that the guy next to you in the second picture is brad. is he still that much taller than you??
No, in that picture Brad is standing on a pile of puppies he killed. I'm only like an inch shorter than him when we're both wearing sandals and neither of us are standing on the corpses of baby animals.
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